Good practices inspire!
The HAWKING partners meeting and study visit in Funchal, Madeira, was held from November 18 to 20. Besides evaluating project activities, engaging in joint discussions, and preparing for upcoming workshops in Bosnia and…
Fifth Review Conference on the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
Fifth Review Conference (5RC) of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Antipersonnel Mines and on Their Destruction, also known as the Ottawa Convention will be held…
Cluster Munition Monitor 2024
The 100-page Cluster Munition Monitor 2024 report provides a comprehensive overview of implementation and adherence to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. A total of 112 states—including South Sudan, the last country to…
Regional Conference on Advancing Victim Assistance Implementation and Cooperation
The Delegation of the Republic of Slovenia, the Delegation of the European Union, the Permanent Mission of Slovenia and the Implementation Support Unit (ISU) of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use,…
Even though for the past couple of years digitalization process in the Western Balkans has been gaining pace, with the educational sector being put on the spot with introduction of online learning contents…
Call for Photos
Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor is looking for photos to be published in this year’s publications and displayed on the Monitor website. The call is open to everyone. Please look through your digital…
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Mine Ban Treaty
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Mine Ban Treaty’s entry into force, a monumental milestone in global efforts to end the use of antipersonnel landmines, inherently indiscriminate weapons that have a devastating…
EORE survey – open
The Explosive Ordinance Risk Education (EORE) Advisory Group is conducting its annual survey. Your responses should help measure progress made in the sector, identify needs and inform future priorities. The survey should take…
Twenty First Meeting of the States Parties
The Twenty-First Meeting of the States Parties (21MSP) is the formal, diplomatic meeting of the 164 States that have accepted to be bound by the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Production,…